Virtual Card Making

Teamwork is one of our most important core values here at RiverHills Bank. Employee Events have always been a key part of our culture, so social distancing has been a little hard on us. We are utilizing our available resources and tools to stay connected to one another and adapt to our new normal, though.

We are lucky to live in a day and age where we have the technology that lets us feel together while we remain apart. Last night we hosted a card making party over Zoom. Employees and their families all gathered around their devices in their homes and followed along as Gail instructed and demonstrated each step. We made 2 different designs, one for Mother’s Day and another for our first responders and medical professionals.

Thank you to all of the individuals who had a hand in planning and executing this event! Every card kit had over 30 pieces of custom cut paper that then had to be packaged and mailed to each employee. It was definitely a labor of love, and everyone had such a great time putting the different cards together!